
What is the difference between a library management system and a knowledge management system?  

What is the difference between a library management system and a knowledge management system? There is no such thing as a stupid question. Understanding the basics is crucial for making informed decisions about what is best for our firms, universities and companies. Much has changed in information and knowledge management over the past few years, …

Efficient Information Retrieval: A Comprehensive Guide

Efficient Information Retrieval: A Comprehensive Guide In the modern workplace, the ability to swiftly and accurately navigate through vast oceans of information is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. This is particularly true in environments where time is of the essence and the right piece of information can make a substantial difference in decision-making …

Getting a Handle on Information Chaos: How to Keep Track of Files

Getting a Handle on Information Chaos: How to Keep Track of Files Are you struggling with information management and knowledge management in your company? Is it difficult to keep track of the various files spread across your network folders? It is time to get a handle on the chaos and make sure that practitioners can easily find what they …

Revamping Legal Libraries: Single Search Solution for Your Legal Resources

Revamping Legal Libraries: Single Search Solution for Your Legal Resources As technology advances, legal libraries must adapt to remain relevant in the modern age. More than ever before, legal libraries can offer one-stop search solutions for busy lawyers seeking legal information resources. With a growing demand for online legal content, revamping how you manage your …

5 Misconceptions about Cloud-Based Technology

Cloud based library solutions have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer libraries and librarians many benefits such as increased security, reliability, flexibility, and cost savings. Unfortunately, there are also several misconceptions about cloud based library solutions that can cause confusion. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at five of the most common misconceptions about cloud based library solutions and set the record straight. With the right information, you’ll be able to make an informed decision when considering cloud based solutions for your library.

A Modern Librarian’s Guide to Hierarchical Taxonomies

A Modern Librarian’s Guide to Hierarchical Taxonomies Hierarchical taxonomies are an essential tool for modern librarians. This taxonomy structure arranges information into hierarchies, with broader terms at the top and more specific terms at the bottom. By mastering the use of hierarchical taxonomies, librarians can easily organise, index and aid retrieval, helping users to retrieve …

BIALL Supplier of the Year Award

We were delighted to receive this award as recognition of our hard work in minimising disruption to clients when transitioning to a new system. Penny Bailey Tweet Bailey Solutions wins BIALL Supplier of the Year Award 2022 At the BIALL annual conference 2022 Bailey Solutions was presented with BIALL Supplier of the Year Award. Here’s …

KnowAll Matrix - Library management software